2021年4月10日至23日,应能源与动力学院何纬峰副研究员邀请,伊朗K.N.Toosi University of Technology能源集成中心的知名学者Majid Amidpour教授通过腾讯会议向我院师生做了系列精彩报告,报告由何纬峰主持。
Majid Amidpour围绕能量系统高效管理和优化做了题为《New Vision to Energy Conservation in Industry》、《Setting Energy Targets》、《Total Site & Utility System Aspects》、《New-look to Optimising Utility System including Steam Turbines》、《Cogeneration & Polygeneration Targeting Approaches》5个线上报告。Majid Amidpour主要介绍了夹点技术在多联产系统中的具体应用,通过系统介绍Process Integration、Energy Target、Total Site、R-Curve等概念,揭示了夹点方法在复杂能量系统能质流管理及优化过程中的实现方式,最终达到减少能量、水及原材料输入和减少废弃物排放的目标。
Majid Amidpour是伊朗国内石油天然气行业能量高效利用方面的高级专家,主要从事包括电,燃料,水,可再生能源等要素在内的复杂热力系统能量管理及性能优化方面的研究,在工程界内有着重要的影响。通过这次交流,我院师生受益良多,对于多联产系统热力学及经济学性能全面提升的实现方法有了深入了解。本次报告由国家外国专家项目《双热质耦合加湿脱湿海水淡化循环及其热质输运机理研究》G20200010115资助。
Professor Majid Amidpour works at the Department of Energy Systems Engineering, K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Iran, with a background in energy conservation in industry. Following his Ph.D. in 1997, he joined the K.N.Toosi University of Technology as Assistant, Associate, Full Professor since 2000, and now he is also head of the Specialized Energy Committee of the National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company and Energy Integration Center. His research interests cover energy conversion and management in oil & gas fields, water purification, and desalination, renewable energy. He has published over 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals, also making invited presentations at a number of international conferences, and he was selected as the TOP 1% scientist in world engineering field since 2017.